Publicaciones y patentes
Susana Carmona
Pregnancy entails a U-shaped trajectory in human brain structure linked to hormones and maternal attachment
A digital twin of the pregnant and maternal brain
The transition to parenthood: Linking hormones, brain, and behavior
The Boundaries of the (Looking Glass) Self
Coping behaviors to reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms: A prospective repeated assessment study
Presence of fetal microchimerisms in the heart and effect on cardiac repair
Advancing the Neuroscience of Human Pregnancy
The ENIGMA-Neuroendocrinology working group to bridge gaps in female mental health research
Neuromaternal: ¿Qué le pasa a mi cerebro durante el embarazo y la maternidad?
Pregnancy renders anatomical changes in hypothalamic substructures of the human brain that relate to aspects of maternal behavior
Women’s neuroplasticity during gestation, childbirth and postpartum
The transition to motherhood: linking hormones, brain and behaviour
Changes in left hippocampal volume in first-time fathers: Associations with oxytocin, testosterone, and adaptation to parenthood
First-time fathers show longitudinal gray matter cortical volume reductions: evidence from two international samples
Efectos a largo plazo del embarazo en el cerebro humano
ABLE: Automated Brain Lines Extraction Based on Laplacian Surface Collapse
Local Functional Connectivity as a Parsimonious Explanation of the Main Frameworks for ADHD in Medication-Naive Adults
Corticospinal tract and motor cortex degeneration in pure hereditary spastic paraparesis type 4 (SPG4)
Tract-specific damage at spinal cord level in pure hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4: a diffusion tensor imaging study
Feto-maternal microchimerism: Memories from pregnancy
Characterizing the Brain Structural Adaptations Across the Motherhood Transition
Do pregnancy-induced brain changes reverse? The brain of a mother six years after parturition
Thalamic atrophy in patients with pure hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4
Becoming a mother: An integrative model of adaptations for motherhood during pregnancy and the postpartum period. (BEMOTHER)
Becoming a mother entails anatomical changes in the ventral striatum of the human brain that facilitate its responsiveness to offspring cues
Capítulo 3 del libro Psicología del embarazo
Capítulo 4 del libro Psicología del embarazo
The paternal transition entails neuroanatomic adaptations that are associated with the father’s brain response to his infant cues
Dynamics of the neural, hormonal and neuropsychological signatures underlying the adaptations for motherhood during pregnancy
Brain plasticity in pregnancy and the postpartum period: links to maternal caregiving and mental health
Sensory-to-Cognitive Systems Integration Is Associated With Clinical Severity in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Stepwise functional connectivity reveals altered sensory-multimodal integration in medication-naive adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Artículo "El miedo: un guardián que asusta pero protege" (pp. 4-5)
ASPIDE: exAScale ProgramIng models for extrem Data processing
Evolución y bases hormonales de la remodelación cerebral gestacional en mujeres con y sin riesgo de trastorno mental postparto
Just-in-time response to reward as a function of ADHD symptom severity
Local Functional Connectivity Suggests Functional Immaturity in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Individual differences in the dominance of interhemispheric connections predict cognitive ability beyond sex and brain size
Pregnancy and adolescence entail similar neuroanatomical adaptations: A comparative analysis of cerebral morphometric changes
Pregnancy leads to long-lasting changes in human brain structure
The effects of pregnancy on human brain
Time and psychostimulants: Opposing long-term structural effects in the adult ADHD brain. A longitudinal MR study
Brain structural changes following adaptive cognitive training assessed by Tensor-Based Morphometry(TBM)
Cortical Morphometry in Frontoparietal and Default Mode Networks in Math-Gifted Adolescents
Presence of Distractor Improves Time Estimation Performance in an Adult ADHD Sample
Emotion processing in joint hypermobility: A potential link to the neural bases of anxiety and related somatic symptoms in collagen anomalies
Sensation-to-cognition cortical streams in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
The neuroanatomical basis of panic disorder and social phobia in schizophrenia: a voxel based morphometric study
Capítulo "Cognición Social" (pp. 693-719) del libro "Neurociencia Cognitiva"
Capítulo "Control ejecutivo, toma de decisiones, razonamiento y resolución de problemas" (pp. 719-746) del libro "Neurociencia Cognitiva"
Limbic activity in antipsychotic naïve first-episode psychotic subjects during facial emotion discrimination
Stimulant drugs trigger transient volumetric changes in the human ventral striatum
An independent components and functional connectivity analysis of resting state fMRI data points to neural network dysregulation in adult ADHD
Learning biases underlying individual differences in sensitivity to social rejection
Laminar thickness alterations in the fronto-parietal cortical mantle of patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Optimization of preservation and storage time of sponge tissues to obtain quality mRNA for next-generation sequencing
Response inhibition and reward anticipation in medication-naïve adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivitydisorder: A within-subject case-control neuroimaging study
Gray matter volume deficits and correlation with insight and negative symptoms in first-psychotic-episode subjects
Training-induced neuroanatomical plasticity in ADHD: a tensor-based morphometric study
Capítulo "Bases Neuronales del Cerebro Social" del libro "Psicología Fisiológica"
Neuroanatomy of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Artículo "Música para el cerebro" (pp. 57-61)
Capítulo "Viaje al Universo Neuronal" (pp. 219-235) del libro "El Cerebro Emocional"